
National Archive of Korea buys VERSASCAN 3650
The National Archive of Korea required a suitable scanner to digitize their large format collection such as different types of maps, drawings and artwork. It was important for them to acquire a system that goes easy on the originals, has

National Library of Jamaica purchases SCAN MASTER 0 3650
The National Library of Jamaica was looking for a suitable scanner to digitize their content. Since they have very different originals an extremely versatile scanner was required. The highly reputed SCAN MASTER 0 3650 could meet all the requirements. In

City Archive Bratislava buys VERSASCAN 4870
The Archives of the City of Bratislava own a very valuable and rare collection of historical maps, architectural maps, maps of the flow of the Danube river, maps of the world and military maps from the middle age until present.

Kaohsiung Film Archive Taiwan acquires SCAN MASTER 1
The Kaohsiung Filmarchiv in Taiwan was looking for a top of the line book scanner. Important for them was a high optical resolution, shorty scanning cycles and the ability to scan glossy material without getting reflections in the image. After

Forest Authority Saxony counts on SMA
The Forest Authority Saxony is responsible for counseling private and corporative forest owners, to cultivate the woods of Saxony, is the highest forestry and hunting authority of the state and in charge for everything related to conversation areas, silviculture and

National Archive Abu Dhabi buys VERSASCAN 36100, SMA 51 8K and Varioflott
SMA is proud to announce that the National Archive of Abu Dhabi has been equipped with several SMA products. The main issue was to find a solution to digitize extremely large historical maps in a very gentle way. The product

National Library of Buryatia buys SCAN MASTER 1 with special book cradle
The National Library of Buryatia owns a collection of significantly thicker books than normal. In order to digitize those books a scanner with a special book cradle was necessary. They decided to go for a SCAN MASTER 1 that came

Johannesburg Waters goes for robotic scanning
The municipal entity Johannesburg Waters was looking for a flexibel but also more or less fully automated solution to digitize their own archive. An SMA product met all their expectations and they decided to purchase four ROBO SCAN V2. The

New Brunswick Provincial Archive increases its SMA portfolio
In spring 2017 the New Brunswick Provincial Archive purchased a SMA SCAN MASTER 0 4838. About a year later the portfolio was expanded. They were so satisfied with the quality and performance of their SMA scanner that hey decided to

North Carolina Department of Cultural & Natural Resources goes with SMA
The North Carolina Department of Cultural & Natural Resources has been a long-term client of SMA. They invested already in SMA equipment approx. 10 years ago. In 2017 they bought a non SMA large format book scanner which they had